Human Geo is the best... Read up!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Sudan Power Point Answers.

  1. The population of Sudan is 45,047,502. They are ranked 29th in the world.
  2. The population of Kenya is 41,070,934. They are ranked 33rd in the world.
  3. The population of the US is 313,323,044. We are ranked 3rd in the world.
  4. China is the country with the highest population. They have 1.3 billion people.
  5. The Pitcarin has the lowest population. They have 48 people.

Number of people per a square kilometer, Ranking in the world.
  1. Sudan: 13. Ranked: 200th
  2. Kenya: 50.61. Ranked: 144th
  3. US: 29.77. Ranked: 179th
  4. Greatest Density: Macan. 48,000 ppl per square mile.
  5. Least Density:  Greenland. 
Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
  1. Sudan: 4.84
  2. Kenya: 4.19
  3. US: 2.06
  4. Highest: Niger- 7.06
  5. Lowest: Macan-
Net migration Rate:
  1. Sudan: -0.29. Means people are leaving.
  2. Kenya: 0
  3. US: 4.18.
  4. Higest: Zimbabwe
  5. Lowest: Northern Marina Island
Life Expectancy:
  1. Sudan: 55 
  2. Kenya: 59 
  3. US: 78
  4. Highest: Monaco- 89
  5. Lowest: Angola- 38
 Infant Motality Rate:
  1. Sudan: 68 
  2. Kenya: 52
  3. US: 6
  4. Highest: Angola- 175.
  5. Lowest: Manaco- 1.79.
CBR, CDR, and RNI:
  1. Sudan:
  2. Kenya:
  3. US:
  4. Highest: Angola
  5. Lowest: Manaco

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