Human Geo is the best... Read up!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Classwork and Such for 9/30/11


Today in Human Geo we took at test! I thought it was pretty easy... But thats just my opinion!
Have a good weekend everyone!!! Especially you Mr. Schick!

Sudan Power Point Answers.

  1. The population of Sudan is 45,047,502. They are ranked 29th in the world.
  2. The population of Kenya is 41,070,934. They are ranked 33rd in the world.
  3. The population of the US is 313,323,044. We are ranked 3rd in the world.
  4. China is the country with the highest population. They have 1.3 billion people.
  5. The Pitcarin has the lowest population. They have 48 people.

Number of people per a square kilometer, Ranking in the world.
  1. Sudan: 13. Ranked: 200th
  2. Kenya: 50.61. Ranked: 144th
  3. US: 29.77. Ranked: 179th
  4. Greatest Density: Macan. 48,000 ppl per square mile.
  5. Least Density:  Greenland. 
Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
  1. Sudan: 4.84
  2. Kenya: 4.19
  3. US: 2.06
  4. Highest: Niger- 7.06
  5. Lowest: Macan-
Net migration Rate:
  1. Sudan: -0.29. Means people are leaving.
  2. Kenya: 0
  3. US: 4.18.
  4. Higest: Zimbabwe
  5. Lowest: Northern Marina Island
Life Expectancy:
  1. Sudan: 55 
  2. Kenya: 59 
  3. US: 78
  4. Highest: Monaco- 89
  5. Lowest: Angola- 38
 Infant Motality Rate:
  1. Sudan: 68 
  2. Kenya: 52
  3. US: 6
  4. Highest: Angola- 175.
  5. Lowest: Manaco- 1.79.
CBR, CDR, and RNI:
  1. Sudan:
  2. Kenya:
  3. US:
  4. Highest: Angola
  5. Lowest: Manaco

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Hi class.

Today we discussed the answers for the powerpoint. See you all tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Hi everyone!
Today in class we finished the movie. I don't know about you guys, but I really didn't like the ending. Well, see yah in class tomorrow!

Monday, September 26, 2011



Today in class we watched somemore of the movie! Im excited to see more.
See yah on Wednesday!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Hello everyone.

Today in class we watched a little more of the movie today. I thought it was wild how they couldnt figure out how things worked at first. Well see yah Monday!!!

Countries and Continents

1.  United States- North America
2.  France- Europe
3.  Iraq- Asia
4.  China- Asia
5.  Saudi Arabia- Asia
6.  Haiti- South America
7.  India-Asia
8.  Japan- Asia
9.  Venezuela- South America
10. Iran- Asia
11. Russia- Asia
12. The United Kingdom-Europe
13. Israel-Asia
14. Germany- Europe
15. Tibet- Asia
16. Afghanistan- Asia
17. Brazil- South America
18. North Korea- Asia
19. Egypt-Africa
20. Kenya-Africa
21. Pakistan-Asia
22. Vietnam- Asia
23. Mexico- North America
24. Cuba- North America

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Hi Mr. Schick!!!

Today in class we watched you try to hook up the sound but you failed to do so! Then we relocated to the TV room. :) But really... Today in class we watched a movie about what had happened in Sudan. It was very sad even though we didnt get to finish. Well, I'll see you tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Hello everyone..

Today we did not have class... sadly. Well looking forward to class tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011



Today in class we discussed the word globalization. Well see yah tomorrow!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011


HELLO CLASS, Hi Mr. Schick.

Today I took a test. Then... We talked for a little about world history... i think.
Well, Im looking forward to class on Wednesday!

Have a great day everyone.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Hello Mr. Schick!

Today in class I fixed my blog while everyone else took a test! I should be ready to tackle this test on Monday.. Hopefully my brain feels better by then!!! Have a great weekend!!! :)


Friday, September 9, 2011

Sadly, for September the 8th, We did not have class. :(  But, I'm looking forward to class on Monday! Have a great weekend Mr. Schick!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Did you Know 2.0" 1st HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT! :)

Hi Mr. Schick! Hello classmates! Here's my homework for tonight. I know it was due by Midnight on Sunday but I had a few mods off and decided to catch up on some work!

   "Did You Know 2.0"
Two lines in this video make me think about the internet. In the video “Did You Know 2.0” it says if My Space was a country, it would be 8th largest. Well, that says a lot. Social networking can be great but, in this case it increased big time which tells me we have more people too busy stuck on the computer rather than being outside enjoying life. Social networking is a huge attention draw to cyber bullying.  I come to school and hear, “oh my gosh! Did anyone see the post that so and so posted about me?” or “Hey! I saw your comment, she was shocked that you said that to her!”  I think it starts up more trouble. Also, people meet people they don’t really know online. Once you upload something on the internet it’s there forever. Be careful with your information too, anyone can pretend to be someone there not whether it’s a 50 year old man saying he’s a 16 year old boy trying to get your number.
Another thing that bothered me was the Google searches. Pick up a book! There is no way there should be 270,000,000,000+ searches within one month. Anyone can post an answer on line. We should be able to pick up a book and look for the answer to our question. Google is a reliable search engine but, it does has its cons. It opens up a wide variety of websites that could or could not take you to where you need to be, meaning, some of the following sites could have a virus. Here’s another reason I think we should pick up a book. Online, children have the temptation to plagiarize. If your do decide to take the answer put it in your own words; list the site you got it from! Don’t be sneaky and try to hide it. You will get caught.
In this rapidly changing world, I think we should all be ready to face what is going to happen next, whether it is some strange new law or another huge economy drop. Already so many people are without jobs. I think John Carroll should help guide us in the direction of finding a job while in college that way we can learn and get better at what we want to do. The unemployment rate of the United States is 9.1%. What I’m trying to say is John Carroll should help each student be the best they can be. When we learn more about the economy and what to expect, we surely will be ready to concur whatever obstacles we must face in life.
                                  Have a great day Mr. Schick! Oh and I'm glad my blog is finally working! :)
Hello Mr. Schick, Whats up class? Homework I hope. :) Well, today in class we discussed the rest the CIA questions. We also watched "Did You Know 2.0" for our 1st homework assignment over the weekend! Let's make Human Geo the best class of FRESHMAN YEAR!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Today in class we discussed the answers of the work given to us last Friday.

Friday's Classwork

Jenna Santoro, Shannon Fendryk

1. 313,232,044 is the population of the United States.
2. China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil are the five largest countries in the world.
3. 187,342,721 is the population of Pakistan.
4. The united States gov't is Federal Republic.
5. 95% is the unemployment rate of Zimbabwe.
6. Russia is the largest country in the world, by area.
7. Mexico has the third largest number of airports behind the US and Brazil.
8. Columbia is the largest producer of coca.
9. Saudi Arabia exports more oil then any other country in the world.
10. United States imports more oil then any other country in the world.
11. United States consumes more oil then any other country in the world.
12. Yes, women can serve in combat roles in China’s military.
13. GDP means Gross Domestic Product.
14. Qatar has the highest GDP per capita in the world. Its GDP is $179,000.
15. No, the US is not in the top ten for GDP per capita.
16. Africa has the highest birth rates.
17. 11 of the 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in Africa.
18. India is in the top ten for deaths from HIV/AIDS.
19. The US is ranked 18th for deaths from HIV/AIDS.
20. No we are not #1 in the number of cellular devices.
21. 23.9% of the US is Roman Catholic.
22. 76.5% of Mexico is Roman Catholic.
23. Net Migration Rate is the number of persons leaving the country.
24. No we are not the highest in the Net Migration Rate.
25. 6,928,198,253 is the population of the world!

Sorry it took so long for these to post! Have a great weekend Mr. Schick!